We Are Excited to Present Our Most innovative Tuthill Transfer 12 Volt High Flow Fuel Transfer Pump - FILFR4210D For You
Once in a while a new product arrives to vary the way we live our lives. At Tuthill we realize that our most recent Tuthill Transfer 12 Volt High Flow Fuel Transfer Pump - FILFR4210D is one of these products. Since we are sure you currently know an item does not have to be unique in order to be new, it just has to supply functionality that's a lot more effective or different than every other identical product out there. This is what it takes for a product to be worth expending money on.
Immediately after investigating everything we have been offering efficiently over the past several years, we determined there hasn't ever been a better period than now to fully upgrade the product. What we discovered is there is nothing better than returning to the start and looking at a product to see everything we might do to ensure it is much better. everything we put together is our most recent Tuthill Transfer 12 Volt High Flow Fuel Transfer Pump - FILFR4210D and we are extremely confident you can be completely delighted with that we're providing it at a extraordinary low price.
Not merely did we return back to inception and build the completely new Tuthill Transfer 12 Volt High Flow Fuel Transfer Pump - FILFR4210D from the beginning, we have now added in a number of characteristics we are confident will leave its competition sitting down at the starting line. Never before has any one offered one of those products with the amount of additional extra features at no extra expense. This product gives you the best bang for your buck that you are going to find any place.
Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $638.07
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Features and Benefits:
- 1/4 HP, 12 Volt DC motor
- Built-in check valve, bypass valve and thermal expansion valve
- 1" diameter, 12' hose and 1" manual nozzle
- Pump may be padlocked
- Corrosion proof adjustable section pipe
Other features include: Explosion proof permanent magnet motor; Thermal overload protection; 30 minute duty cycle/not for continuous operation; ball bearing construction, no lubrication required; machined carbon vanes; 2" threaded base for tank openings; UL/cUL listed motor; rain proof. Thanks to its high flow rate of 20 GPM and low 22 amp draw, you'll spend less time at the pump and more time accomplishing the task at hand.
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